Introduction to TCP/IP

User Review 4.6

As an individual who likely engages with the Internet on a daily basis through various devices such as a PC, laptop, tablet, smart pad, or smartphone, it is imperative that you acquire a solid foundation in the TCP/IP protocol and its workings. By taking this course, you will gain the necessary skills to troubleshoot common network issues and optimize your network for optimal performance. Additionally, you will become knowledgeable about the intricacies of the Internet and how to secure your data, in addition to learning about the various types of networks and how to create your own. Furthermore, you will be equipped to identify and protect against potential security threats.

The “Introduction to TCP/IP” course will provide you with insight into the operational functions of Internet technologies, such as IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, addressing, routing, and domain names. You will also acquire knowledge about your PC/laptop’s security and gateway Internet setup, in addition to its fundamental principles. Through a basic Wireshark experiment, you will observe the TCP/IP packets and security systems in action that serve your PC/laptop, ensuring your safety and security.

Course Syllabus:

My PC‘s Internet & Gateway

Learn all about using the Internet through your PC, laptop, or smartphone with the ‘Introduction to TCP/IP’ course. The first module covers ‘My PC’s Internet & Gateway’ and includes lectures on setup, DHCP, IP gateway/router configuration, and IP routing tables.

  • Introduction to TCP/IP: 7 minutes

  • My PC’s Internet Setup: 10 minutes

  • Automatic Internet Setup using DHCP: 8 minutes

  • IP Gateway Router Configuration: 17 minutes

  • IP Routing Table: 5 minutes

TCP/IP Protocol

In the second module, titled ‘TCP/IP Protocol’, we delve into the various protocols and functions utilized by TCP and IP in your electronic devices. These include PCs, laptops, and smartphones. Learn about TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6, UDP, and TCP through user-friendly lectures that use analogies and provide detailed information on the protocols’ structure and functionality, including port numbers, flow control, and error detection.

  • OSI vs TCP/IP: 3 minutes

  • TCP/IP Network Operations: 4 minutes

  • TCP/IP Layers: 3 minutes

  • TCP/IP Networking Functions: 3 minutes

  • IPv4: 15 minutes

  • IPv6: 9 minutes

  • UDP: 1 minute

  • TCP: 3 minutes

Internet Routing & Functions

Module three covers Internet Routing & Functions, including protocols and functions used for network connections. Gain knowledge of IGPs, EGPs, OSPF routing, ARP, NAT, RPC connections, FTP transfers, and IMAP/POP3 emails through these educational lectures.

  • Internet Routing & Functions: 13 minutes

  • Internet Routing & Functions: 6 minutes

Internet Security

The ‘Internet Security’ module is crucial for protecting your PC, laptop, or smartphone from various Internet attacks. The first lecture, ‘Top Ranking Internet Attacks,’ ranks the most common attack types based on their frequency, and it’s vital to know that your device has likely been targeted by these attacks. The following lecture, ‘Growing Security & Threat Issues,’ covers emerging attack techniques like zombie computers and botnets that could be compromising your device. The module also includes lectures on serious cyberattack types, including Phishing, DoS, DDoS Overflow, MITM Attacks, and SQL Injection. Finally, ‘Internet Security & Protection’ focus on defense and security techniques your device can use, such as firewalls, IDS, TLS, WEP, WPA, WPA2, and SSH. Ensure you take this module seriously to safeguard your device from potential attacks.

  • Top Ranking Internet Attacks: 7 minutes

  • Growing Security & Threat Issues: 3 minutes

  • Internet & Cyber Attacks: 9 minutes

  • Internet Security & Protection: 9 minutes

Wireshark Internet Project

The ‘Wireshark Internet Project’ module is divided into two major parts. ‘How to Install Wireshark’ is introduced in the first part. In the lecture, ‘Internet Packet Analysis using Wireshark’, you will learn how to find your PC/laptop’s IP address and subnet mask, how to locate a website domain name’s IP address, how to check the type and security protocols of your current internet connection, and how to use Wireshark for network monitoring.

  • How to Install Wireshark: 2 minutes

  • How to Check your IP Configuration: 6 minutes

  • Internet Packet Analysis using Wireshark: 9 minutes

Tags: Free Course, Learn TCP and IP, Networking Course

This course includes:

  • Approx. 7 hours to complete
  • No previous experience necessary
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Quizzes and assessments
  • Subtitles: English
  • Other Subtitles: Arabic, German, +7 More
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Difficulty Level: Beginner

Certificate of completion: yes
Earn a Certificate upon completion

Platform: Coursera

Course Instructor(s):
  • Jong-Moon Chung